Ophena’s magnetic safety stirrups a way to keep you safe
The revolutionary concept of the safety stirrups has been years in the making, every detail was checked and double-checked by engineers to ensure, that the stirrup was safe, effective and affordable. Engineers have certainly achieved their aims in all three aspects.
The Ophena S are magnetic safety stirrup, made of stainless steel with a silver sheen, which virtually eliminates the risk of rusting or general corrosion. With normal Stirrups, when a rider is thrown, the foot can become trapped. With the magnetic safety stirrup the inner bar is released freeing the rider.
There are many advantages to Magnetic safety stirrup. Firstly and most importantly, it’s safety aspect. There are also the financial benefits. This unique piece of equipment can be purchased for less than a proper pair of riding boots. Because any fall will result in the device opening when pressure is placed on the middle bar, any type of footwear can be used while riding.
While it is advisable to wear the correct type of boots, the safety stirrup means that even runners can be worn.
There is an obvious question. What’s to stop the stirrup from opening under normal conditions? Well, any pressure at all can be applied to the footplate, but the inner bar will only trigger the release mechanism when the foot is placed in a position of danger. That is when the rider is falling and the toe of the foot is pointed skywards.
Ophena S Safety Stirrup won’t stop you from falling, but it will allow you to enjoy the freedom of horse riding with the knowledge that if you do part company with the horse, you’ll do just that.
In Ophena magnetic safety stirrups the magnets are strong and produce far-reaching, strong magnetic fields. They could damage your home appliances so it is good to keep away these such electronic devices from the magnetic safety stirrup.