14 Basic Blog Tips To Increase Your Blog Traffic Instantly
Posted On February 5, 2013
0 Most of the blogs want more traffic, it’s like a given. There are lots of tips and tricks everywhere on how to do to increase traffic. Although I have to obviously list a few tips that may help you along the way. Surely you already read several of them in other places, hopefully I might come up with something new little tidbits that can help you.
Even if you are a hardened bloggers who have been long, it is never wrong with a little refresher, right?
- List your blog on the portals. You get some links to your blog in the worst case. At best, you get traffic from the portal’s visitors who are interested in your blog. Prime Labs has a list of the most important portals to visit. Do not forget to read the comments for more tips.
- Be active on the forums that are within your topic. Help others and show what knowledge you have of the area. Especially good is it here in the community has the opportunity to leave a link to your blog.
- Attempts to initiate a communication with your readers. Ask a question at the end of the post that may lead to discussion. All have comments, you can get your readers to share their comments through leads eventually to attract attention.
- Write posts that are interesting and meaningful to your audience. High quality of posts always give the term a lot of visitors.
- When you blogged some time there chances of being listed on the nudge . This gives the opportunity to be represented at bloggar.com , a blog-specific search engine tags or labels. It is not wrong to be listed when someone searches for the tags you use in your post.
- Implement functions for search engine optimization, SEO. Do you use WordPress, there are several excellent plugins and changes to do this.
- Comment on other people’s blogs. It’s amazing what a lot of traffic in itself can make. First of readers on the other bloggers and partly by bloggers themselves. That comment means that adding any sense , think about it!
- Update regularly. I myself have written a post about how often to blogging . Update often enough, chances are your readers will disappear. If you have the opportunity, write a post every day, for it is something that search engines like.
- Try to link to other websites. You get better rankings in Google and blogs to which you link is usually a rule like to link back in return.
- Give your readers easy access to the subscription via RSS. Although you may initially lose visitors entering to your blog, you earn it in the long run. Problogger has written an article on the subject , well worth reading.
- Use your social networks. Sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, etc. can give you an extra boost in terms of visitors.
- Tell me about your blog to friends and acquaintances. Imagine that you tell 50 people about your blog and those visiting it. 10% of these 50 are regular readers. They in turn tell lots of people about the blog where some of them continue reading. This method can actually lead to far more visitors than you might think.
- Think of your headlines. An enticing headline that someone sees, for example, a portal has a good chance of leading to a visit. Please read my post about the right headlines .
- Be patient! Most blogs require a long time before it starts to get a lot of visitors. Many times a blog exponential development, ie getting visitors for a period then increases the number of visits dramatically.
Do you have any tips I missed, please leave a comment!